Hope Builders Ministries
Hope Builders Ministries (HBM) developed from the Calling in 2 Timothy 2:2 to multiply disciples for Christ received by four men working with Open Doors in Southern Africa in 1984. Project Timothy was begun to address the acute shortage of pastors in Mozambique. That country's on-going civil war had impoverished it to "poorest country in the world" status. Pastors had been specifically targeted because they " had control over people". Able bodied men potentially are fighters for one of the armies. Hope Builders Ministries since 2002 has partnered with the Church in six African countries and three countries in Central Asia to develop church leaders into disciple makers in their respective churches. Thousands have completed three years of Bible and leadership training. Multiply thousands of individual Christians are actively involved in the HBM Disciple Makers Program. Hope Builders Ministries calling is to equip, encourage and empower the Church to be Disciples of Christ who make disciples. The Bible is the foundation of the Christian's Faith. HBM also provides many resources to help these Churches to reach their communities for Christ.

Ambassadors of Hope
You can become an Ambassador of HOPE by working through and with your local church implementing the Hope Builders Disciple Makers Program. The Church's primary ministry is the Great Commission. That is, to Make Disciples for Christ of all who will believe from all corners of the world until Jesus returns. Hope Builders Ministries has developed a 9 month course of study and training to help you and your church facilitate effective, multiplying disciple making. Over the last 5 years HBM has introduced and implemented the Disciple Makers Program with our mission partners in Africa and Asia. Thousands of Churches have been revitalized spiritually and numerically as the whole congregation is equipped, encouraged and empowered to introduce their families and friends to Christ and help those who believe to be totally committed followers of Christ who are also making disciples. Hope Builders Ministries would like to introduce you and your church to this dynamic, life changing tool, The HBM Disciple Makers Program.

Fellowships of Hope
Christians in America have found a new way to promote their faith: by privately meeting in each other's homes. The movement of people to house churches has been fueled by many different social factors, such as health, schedules, and need for community.
Some of the poorest countries in the world have some of the best churches. HBM's ministry in Africa has shown that a hub house church model can change the lives of individuals and communities. We hope to show that it is just as powerful in America.