Hope Builders Ministries
Advancing the Gospel through the Great Commission in Africa, Asia and America.
The vision of Hope Builders Ministries is to "Advance the Gospel" of the Lord Jesus Christ around the world by equipping the saints to make disciples who multiply.
The Mission of Hope Builders Ministries is to advance the Gospel through the Great Commission. HBM equips indigenous leaders with training and resources and then partners with them for the work of ministry in their communities.
Partnership is the key to getting our Gospel message heard and seen in countries where it's needed most. HBM equips indigenous leaders with Bibles, training manuals and transport so they can effectively do their ministry work.
Hope Builders Ministries has been advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Africa and India by responding to the Great Commission for nearly two decades. Johan Gous founded HBM with a goal to provide the world’s poorest countries access to God's Word. He did this by exchanging 100 new Bibles for one Bible that had been shared amongst many pastors and Christians in Malawi . The Bible is a sacred text that many people are willing to do anything for. It's understandable though, because the Bible has so much potential! What if someone could share their personal copy of it? Wouldn't that be amazing?!
The Lord has opened doors for Christians around the world to train in leadership skills, but what about those living at home and how can they help spread hope? The Covid-19 pandemic revealed an urgent need for Christian leaders like you.
Learn more about HBM's exciting ministry opportunities in the video and links below.
Hope Builders Ministries focuses on the Three Es

HBM has partnered with the Indigenous Church, equipping them in the Word of God and empowering them with resources to accomplish their ministry. Hope Builders continues to encourage the church through on going partnerships as they work to fulfill the Great Commission.
- Dignity Projects focused on orphans and widows and other vulnerable people
- Short-term US Mission trips for men and women who are Disciple Makers to supplement leadership training and participate in local missions with the Indigenous Church
- Strategically located conference centers
- Provide help in health/disaster emergencies for the indigenous missionaries
- Disaster Relief in times of famine and pandemics
- Community Service - wells, farm development projects
The local church is the best mission agency sending out their people into the local fields that are ready to harvest.
Advancing the Gospel through the Great Commission
The Great Commission is the responsibility of every believer to share their faith with as many people as possible and HBM has been diligently working to spread this mission. Ephesians 4:12-13 says that leaders in the church are to equip the saints for service, which will help build up Christ's body to attain the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.
About Hope Builders Ministries

Hope Builders Ministries (HBM) developed from The Calling (2 Timothy 2:2) received by four men, one of whom was Johan Gous, working with Open Doors in Southern Africa in 1984. This began the "Timothy Project" to address the acute shortage of trained pastors in Mozambique. The "Timothy Training Institute" was established in 1990. In 2002 Johan began work with Hope Builders. Since 2010 Johan serves as the President of Hope Builders Ministries with headquarters in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Since its inception, Hope Builders, in partnership with the Indigenous Church in Africa has established 11,000 village churches with trained pastors in eight African countries since 2001. HBM has enrolled pastoral leaders in a three-year Pastor Training Program, a diploma course completed by 25,000 graduates (over and above the 13,000 students served between 1985 and 2001 by Timothy Training Institute).
In 2013 Hope Builders began working with two Indigenous Missionaries in India. Along with their dedicated co-workers, they are coordinating pastor training and Disciple Making in over 4000 local churches. There have been over 1000 new churches established through the HBM India ministry. HBM is also training indigenous missionaries in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Working with the Indigenous Church in Africa and Asia, Hope Builders Ministries endeavors to also encourage its partners by providing Bibles, training literature, transport and Dignity Projects.
- Through the Bibles for Disciples program, nearly 600,000 Bibles have been distributed in Africa to faithful disciples through a network of indigenous partner churches (many in their native languages).
- The Disciple Makers Program is HBM's "tip of the spear" ministry. Working through local church leadership entire congregations are being purposely discipled to maturity and the propagation of the Gospel throughout local communities.
- Multiple thousands of training manuals have been printed and delivered to the various countries to train the indigenous leaders in the Word of God.
- Hope Builders has also provided bicycles and motorcycles to increase the indigenous missionaries to reach remote and difficult areas.
- Through the Dignity Project thousands of orphans have received sustained material and spiritual care while hundreds of widows have been trained and equipped to care for these orphans.
- Many other practical tools have been given to the indigenous church to give the indigenous church a "hand up." These include vegetable seeds, garden tools, and water wells.
If you delight in the idea of rapidly winning whole communities to Christ in rural areas of Africa and Asia, we invite you to join us in this exciting and fruitful ministry!